Before the rain rolled in yesterday, Daniel and I went up to Hell's Kitchen in Bear Valley. I had been telling him about this project right off the highway. Brodie and I went back a few weeks after the MAS comp to work it. Basically the only beta we got from that trip is that it is much harder than it looks. We couldn't get past the second move. So, Daniel hopped on the proj. He was able to establish on this awkward sidepull, but didn't get any farther than that. He suspects its in the V10 or above range and says that its an awesome line and worth investing some more time in. After some work on the project, Daniel put up a FA on an arete directly to the left of it. The start involves a burly SDS on a bad pinch and a decent sidepull. First, make a big move out left to the slopey arete, work the feet, slap up the arete, get a good toe hook, match, and throw to the finishing edge. We got video footage of it, so maybe we'll get it up on here soon. Daniel dedicated the problem to his Grandma, who we later found out passed away that morning.
The Project

Daniel's FA