Yesterday Daniel and I hit up the valley mainly to check out Candyland. It wasn't too bad temp wise until about noon, so we made the best of what little time we had. We started on the 4 star classic, "Once Upon a Time." Although not a physically demanding problem, its off the deck a bit, the feet are smears for the most part, and the crux comes at the top...all ingredients that make a heart-pounding scary classic. We both sent it, and then moved on to "Jitterbug," a link up problem that definately requires some cooler weather to be able to hold on to the slopey little rails. After realizing this, we moved on to "The Diamond," a problem with awesome, but spaced apart holds. Daniel was successful on the left exit of the problem, but I had trouble holding the big throw move out left. Quickly, the sun started to bake that problem and the valley in general, so our day was short lived. Hopefully the weather will start to cool off soon, and the fall season will be in full effect.
"Once Upon a Time"


"The Diamond"