Brodie and I met Ben at CJC and he showed us a few of the new gem problems he's been putting up in the Labyrinth. Some were still wet from the weekend storm, but luckily a few AMAZING lines were dry. The first problem was "The Minotaur," named for the two jugs at the top that resemble beast-like horns. "The Minotaur" is fairly high off the deck and involves some tenuous, physical moves, to literally, a do or die move to the lip. The landing is kind of sketch and if the last move is not executed, there is the potential to fly backwards and into a pit. At first, the problem felt quite awkward, but with a little trickery I was able to nab the second ascent. Brodie followed up shortly after with the third. "The Minotaur" probably checks in around V5. The next problem Ben showed us is an awesome roof problem. This problem just flows great and involves fun moves. Unfortunately, a second ascent was not made, but should see one soon!
"The Minotaur"