Daniel headed up to the valley a couple weeks ago and needless to say it was awesome! Perfect weather, awesome new probs, and just a great day of bouldering. We started off the day on "Atlantis," which checks in at V6. I've been looking at this problem for a while now and finally got on it. It involves some fun, physical moves on positive slopey pinches. However, it is quite deceptive and definitely looks easier than it is. Daniel sent in typical fashion in about 3 goes. I followed up with another send, but it took me a while to stick the top slopey rail. After that I took Daniel over to "Pride." I gave it a quick few goes, but was shut down when the notorious crimp on that problem left its mark on my right pointer finger, and left me bleeding. Daniel gave the problem numerous good attempts, but couldn't seem to get enough pop on the dyno to snag the lip.