Disaster!!!! At least for my climbing season that is....This past Saturday started off quite well. Daniel, Brodie, and I were joined by Brett for some heavy valley crankin. We started off over at the project wall and worked the two potential problems to the left of "T-Bag Surprise." Daniel made substantial progress on one of the two coming agonizingly close to sending but unable to unlock the top sequence. From there, we went over to check out the Woodyard. Having never been there before, we stopped at the Woodyard Arete, which is directly right of the infamous problem "Dogwood" that was featured in Dosage V. After a few short goes, Brodie sent the problem. Following that, I managed to get to the top but couldn't quite figure out the last move, so I dropped off and.....CRUNCH!!! There goes my ankle....Daniel and Brett sent shortly there after for the 3-peat send. Later that night a trip to the ER confirmed that I had fractured my tibia....so looks like I'm out for awhile unfortunately. Although if all goes to plan Daniel and I will be hitting up the ABS comp in SLO this weekend, so stay tuned for that!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
So over the weekend of October 18, Daniel and I made a quick trip over Tioga, down the 395 to the magical land of Bishop. Temps there really hadn't dropped yet so some headlamp bouldering was in order. Once we arrived, we busted out the pads and walked over to a group working Soul Slinger. Daniel proceeded to walk up the problem first go at about 1 am! That was definitely the epic send of the trip. My trip was plagued by agonizingly reaching the top of two classics, High Plains Drifter and Atari, only to not be able to work the last move...anyways, it was a good short trip!