Saturday, September 16, 2006

Today, Cole, Daniel, and I set out with hopes of catching a load of crawfish. We set a few traps and then mobbed it up to Columbia. I repeated Triple Cracks and Daniel put up a awesome new FA. It's located to the left of Triple Cracks on the pathway between two rocks. It starts on the problem to the right of the arete, but instead of going directly up, make a big move out right and finish up the crack. He hasn't named it yet and thinks its somewhere in the V8/9 range. After we were done bouldering, we went back to the traps, only to find them totally empty. Stupid crawdads.
UPDATE: Daniel named his new problem CRAWFISH AVENGER
Here's the sequence to Daniel's new FA Crawfish Avenger
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Cole on an unknown problem.
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Oh yeah, that last photo is a problem called Repent, FA Dave Yerian around '79 or 80.

Unknown said...

Hi, i am Dimitri, just leetting you know what was up regarding some of these problems listed here.

I deleted the above post because it sucked. I posted some corrections over at SPC about these problems.

And about that problem Repent, you can avoid the regular top out and climb to the top of the formation, a jug haul but makes it a little more exciting.